Proposed Dividend of All Commercial Banks for FY 2077/78

Most of the Commercial banks have Proposed their dividend for FY 2077/78. The dividend will be distributed only after approval by the central bank and endorsement by the company’s upcoming AGM. Till now NABIL Bank has the highest dividend i.e. 38% with 33.6 % Bonus share and 4.4% Cash Dividend.

S.N.CodeCompany NameBonus Share
Cash Dividend
Book Closure
1NABILNabil Bank Limited33.64.438.00
2HBLHimalayan Bank Limited21.384.6226.00
3ADBLAgriculture Development Bank Limited 20.001.052621.0526
4SANIMASanima Bank Limited17.000.894717.8942021-10-24[Closed]
5NBLNepal Bank Limited14.003.0017.002021-12-07 [Closed]
6PCBLPrime Commercial Bank Limited16.000.631316.63132021-12-08
7NIBNepal Investment Bank Limited12.6113.38916.002021-11-22 [Closed]
8CZBILCitizens Bank International Limited12.9133.08716.002021-10-08[Closed]
9NMBNMB Bank Limited12.53.315.82021-12-22
10NICANIC Asia Bank Limited15.000.789515.7895
11NBBNepal Bangladesh Bank Limited12.003.515.52021-11-01[Closed]
12SBLSiddhartha Bank Limited14.250.7515.00
13BOKLBank of Kathmandu Limited10.004.0014.002021-11-26 [Closed]
14MBLMachhapuchchhre Bank Limited13.30.714.002021-10-24[Closed]
15GBIMEGlobal IME Bank Limited10.003.513.52021-11-29 [Closed]
16SCBStandard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited10.003.0613.062021-11-26 [Closed]
17PRVUPrabhu Bank Limited12.000.6312.632021-12-19
18MEGAMega Bank Nepal Limited12.0712.072021-11-30
19LBLLaxmi Bank Limited83.511.52021-12-10 [Closed]
20EBLEverest Bank Limited6.004.3210.322021-12-03
21KBLKumari Bank Limited6.002.678.672021-10-25[Closed]
22NCCBNepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited8.000.428.42
23SRBLSunrise Bank Limited6.650.3572021-12-19
24CCBLCentury Commercial Bank Limited5.750.36.05
25SBINepal SBI Bank Limited3.51.815.31
26CBLCivil Bank Limited5.000.265.26

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