What is C-ASBA?

C-ASBA is a centralized web application designed for use in the primary market of Nepal’s Securities Market. It is specifically intended for use by ASBA member banks, which are banks that are authorized to process applications for initial public offerings (IPOs), rights issues, and follow-on public offerings (FPOs) on behalf of their customers.

Using the C-ASBA application, ASBA member banks can register investors and process applications for these offerings. They can also generate reports and create files that can be used to block the necessary funds in the accounts of their customers.

The C-ASBA application is intended to simplify and streamline the primary market process in Nepal, making it easier for investors to participate in IPOs, rights issues, and FPOs and for ASBA member banks to manage these transactions on behalf of their customers.

There are only 5 Commercial banks giving free ASBA services.

SEBON has declared that Banks and Financial Institution can charge maximum of Rs. 5 C-ASBA charge.

However, there are some banks which provides free C-ASBA which are listed below.

Banks with free C-ASBA service

S.N.Name of BanksCharge
1.ЁЯПж Rastriya Banijya BankFREE
2.ЁЯПж NMB Bank LimitedFREE
3.ЁЯПж Nabil Bank LimitedFREE
4.ЁЯПж Nic Asia BankRs. 5
5.ЁЯПж Sanima Bank LimitedFREE
6.ЁЯПж Siddhartha Bank LimitedFREE

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