
How to check CYC Nepal Laghubitta IPO Result !

In this page, you will get to know how to check the IPO result of CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. 

CYC Nepal Laghubitta IPO issue had opened on 25th Chaitra .

CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has posted a net profit of Rs 99.91 million in the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year 2078/79.

IPO Details

Result Date Baisakh 15 (Thursday)
Total No of Shares3,95,336 Units
For Employee6,082 units
For Mutual Fund19,766 Units
For General Public3,69,488 Units
No of Applicants22,77,743
No of the applied units2,56,88,450 Units
StatusOversubscribed by 69.52 Times
Issue ManagerGlobal IME Capital
Rating[CARE-NP] BB- (Is)

How to Check IPO result ?

You can check IPO result in 3 ways :

  • Meroshare site
  • Capital website
  • Company website

Here are the links of the sites from where you can check IPO result of CYC Nepal Laghubitta :

Global IME Capitalhttps://www.globalimecapital.com/ipo-fpo-share-allotment-check
CYC Nepal Laghubittahttps://cycnlbsl.org.np/

Points to be noted :

  1. Allotment will be done at 9:00 A.M. It may take 2-4 hours to come result in site.
  2. When result is published, website may not load due to heavy traffic. So, wait for the result to come in meroshare site to check the result without any interruption.

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About Company

CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited is a leading Microfinance in Nepal. It was registered on 11 February 2019 as a public company as a class ‘D’ financial institution with the Nepal Rastra Bank under Act, 2063, and started formal microfinance operation on 15 March 2019. CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha previously known as CYC (Chartare Youth Club) is located in Samikshalaya Road Baglung.

Key Strengths:

  • Experienced board members and management team
  • Adequate level of capitalization however minimum regulatory capital requirement not met
  • Low dependence of resource profile on Banks and Financial Institutions’ borrowings
  • Geographical diversification of business
  • Financial performance over the period ended FY20 and FY21

Key Challenges:

  • Weak asset quality leading to high GNPL on back of Covid-19 pandemic impact
  • Significantly low market share in the industry, albeit moderate growth in business over the period
  • high concentration of advances in the agriculture sector
  • Presence highly competitive industry
  • Inherent risk involved in the microfinance industry
  • Exposure to regulations related to the microfinance industry

Financial Highlights

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